A Post-Human TechNegro. A Southern Bluesman from Conneticut. Brothers under the Skin

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This is where you stick random tidbits of information about yourself.

You So Idiot
Thursday, October 09, 2003  
Welcome to the new iMac flavored era of YSI. I'm your faithful correspondent rockrobertson.
Ahrnuld's in the Big House and evidently the 70's are back in effect with pimpin' and big 'fros everywhere. Bring it on, cause the everybody was more relaxed back then and the 70's made the 80's with good music and clothes.

to use a Car metaphor:
70's "Cool! I can really drive this car!"
80's "Let's wind this puppy up and practice drunkdriving!!"
90's "Whoa! Almost killed myself there. Better get that minivan and calm down."
00's " Hey! A minivan!?! What was I thinking?? I'm getting me someting to DRIVE!"

So let's get on with it! My question; Who's the new Dick Nixon

1:38 PM

Saturday, May 24, 2003  
I just got a set of the "Iraqi Most WANTED Playing Cards" from my highly mobile parents. This is a complex joke from my Dad. You see, you can't have a war without reducing the enemy's "humanity" in some way. Otherwise, it becomes too obious that you're killing other People, People just like you and me. Well, maybe better than us, but still... In the old days, you had the jap and the kraut and the zip (Japanese, German and Vietnamese respectively. If you don't know this, I envy you). Can't do that these multi-culti days and rightfully so. So, you turn their leaders into playing cards (no nasty stereotypes, almost a point-value system) and try to collect the set (Hey, we just picked up the 6 of Diamonds! How much is he worth in Ebay(r)? )

11:42 AM

Thursday, April 03, 2003  
Hello World (boy, you're in for it now...)
4:43 PM

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